Give God Your Yes

Give God Your Yes

 Give God your YES!

We have to know God‘s intentions. God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. To give us hope and plans for a future -Jeremiah 29:11.


Know Who You Are in God 

When you know who you are and whose you are... you are able to stand in your God-given authority and power. God is calling you to a higher place. He wants to position you for a purpose. Everything that you have ever been through was to build you. Your process was necessary.


We believe this and we want to show you how. Register for our upcoming Godfidence Boot Camp below. 


Mary and Her Yes

Mary gave God her yes. And because of this she was able to birth the Messiah! What are you spiritually pregnant with?. Labor is hard but the reward is great. Sis, weeping may endure for night but joy cometh in the morning - Psalm 30:5.

Endure Sis ...endure -Mathew 24:13. Your next level requires your endurance! 


Your YES  may look different than mines. Your YES may cost, it may hurt and it may be lonely but it will deliver you and those that you love. All the promises of God find their  yes and him.- 2 Corinthians 1:20


All My Love,



Trust Gods Sis


All my love, 



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